Mammal Tracks and Sign
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Porcupines like to den up in small caves
in rocks.

Or under fallen trees, if there is a
deep enough and secure enough hole. This was in a swamp.

A classic typical Porcupine den.
One can often tell that it's a
Porcupine den by the presence of porcupine scat immediately
outside the entrance.

Porcupines eat trees. They will often
spend days in a single tree, chewing, digesting, and releasing
scat, which can sometimes be found in considerable volumes
underneath a tree.

They will often simply sleep in the
tree, not coming to ground for several days.

Porcupines are rodents, and as such, have two main
front teeth that continually grow. Gnawing wood wears them down.
Here are the teeth marks of a porcupine. Notice the similarity
between these marks and those of

A Porcupine hair.
In spite of spending so much time in trees, porcupines sometimes fall
out of trees! Healed bone fractures are frequently found in porcupines.
The following photo shows what could be a fall site, where a porcupine
hit the ground. Note the shape of the compression in the snow, along
with the presence of quills. |
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